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5 Insane (But True) Things About Electric Breastfeeding Pumps & Pumped Breastmilk

Just imagine the scenario, it’s around 2 am, you are all drowned in your mattress falling asleep, your husband is snoring musically next to you, your baby is finally in a deep sleep post a tough toil, and guess what; your top is all wet as the milk starts leaking out. It’s nothing worse than a nightmare for you. Sigh!

To such weird and bizarre circumstances, one of the perfect solutions we see is using an Electric Breastfeeding Pump. This comes out to be a perfect example of Modern Problems having Modern Solutions!

Insane yet Legitimate five-facts about Electric Breastfeeding Pumps and Pumped Breastmilk

Underneath depicts the fun and excitement encountered with the Pumping Process along with an exiguous level of vexation at the same time.

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You can pump while you feed

Yes, you heard that right. You cannot have a surety of the fact that your baby is all full in a feed of a few minutes. Honestly, it is indeed possible that he/she may be hungry for the next feed sooner as usual. But eminently you always have to make sure that the pumping process must go smooth and well without any interference.

And from there comes the logic.

Some moms find feeding a baby from one breast and simultaneously pumping out milk from another breast stimulates the hormonal process within, helping to trigger the milk flow. This sounds practical, isn’t it?


Never Shake the milk but Swirl

The pumped breastmilk stored in a milk bottle must never be shaken but swirled. Even though there is no such scientific evidence, considering it a myth if done so, shaking would diminish milk’s nutritive value by breaking its protein molecules, affecting the breastmilk’s quality nutrition.

Stored Milk may make your baby sick

The unspoken rule about pumped breastmilk is it should remain untouched and must be smelled before feeding. If the milk isn’t stored carefully following all the precautionary measures, it might get sour resulting in the baby falling sick. Even after breastmilk is stored carefully either at room temperature, in the fridge, insulated coolers, or deep freezers, the time duration of storage must always be noted. Skipping this petty yet eminent measure may result in severe consequences.


Electric Breastfeeding Pumps- Expiration and Shelf life

The Electric Breastfeeding Pumps don’t expire but their motor does. But it’s always safe to replace it every 8 to 10 months to maintain a perfect level of hygiene. There might be some unreachable areas that cannot be cleaned efficiently, resulting in breastmilk contamination. Also, the motor mechanism may become inefficacious at a particular moment resulting in less milk production.


Does Electric Breastfeeding Pumps Cause Saggy Breasts?

The straight-away answer to this is NO.

Saggy Breasts or medically termed as Breast ptosis, are direct results of the changes a mom-to-be goes through her pregnancy and not at all the process of Breastfeeding or use of Electric Breastfeeding Pumps.